5040 Common Street – North Face
- W/S Common St. S/S Leger Rd (Gulf Hwy) less than 1 mile from College campus and stadium
- Route to Regional airport
- Across the street from Walk On’s Restaurant and Sports Bar
- Route to South Lake Charles and Big Lake.
- 10.6 x 24
- North face/ Right read
- High traffic area.
- Longitude -93.214107 / Latitude 30.162829

5040 Common Street – South Face
- Lake Charles, La (Gulf Hwy.)
- W/S Common St. S/S Leger Rd.
- Route to Regional Airport
- McNeese State University area
- Across street from Walk On’s
- 10×24
- Fully illuminated from dusk until dawn
- South face/ left read
M-F: 8:00AM-4:00PM
Closed Weekends
2210 Sampson St, Westlake, LA 70669
Direct: (337) 437-6117 | Cell: 337-274-7515